Governor Information

 Welcome to the Governor's webpage

Early Years and Key stage 1

Thank you for visiting our page and showing an interest in who we are and what we do. 

Current KS1 School Governors:

Joint Chair: Damian Pye and Tony Ward

Vice Chair: Suzanne Haskins

Christine Logan

Paul Crosswell

Martin Palmer

Helen Fisher

Elizabeth Mansfield

Shalini Ramanathan

Chairs of Governors:  Mr Damian Pye (LA governor) and Mr Tony Ward (Trust governor) (Co-Chairs)


The KS1 Governing Body works collaboratively with Mrs. Marrion and her team and meets four times a year as a full Governing Body to discuss ongoing issues and plans for the school and to review the school’s finances.  When we are able, individual Governors will regularly visit the school either to monitor lessons, chat to the children and observe the amazing class assemblies and other fun events the school promotes.  We also like to attend the annual Parents’ Evening, which gives us an opportunity to speak to you to hear your views.


The Governing Body is committed in supporting Mrs Marrion and her team, all the parents and carers and, of course, all the amazing children at Sunnymede, in order that they each have the opportunity to reach their full potential before they move on to their junior school.


Below you will find more details and links on the role of the Governing body as well as the statutory information about each of the school’s governors that we are required by legislation to provide.  

We are always keen to talk to parents and carers and hear their views on the school and we believe that the school can only be really successful if it works together in partnership with governors and parents/carers. Governors are there to assist with issues that affect the whole school, such as policies and targets. If you have any questions about one of the school’s policies, or feel that some changes might be required, or you have any concerns, you are welcome to raise this with a governor. All communication and correspondence is treated in confidence and a response will be given to any issues raised. We would always encourage you to speak to a teacher or Mrs Marrion in the first instance if you have a specific concern or complaint, but understand you might be unwilling to do this for any reason, in which case please speak to a governor. During normal school operation, Governors attend all major events such as Harvest Festivals, Christmas Productions, Class Assemblies, World Book Day, Arts Week, Open Evening and some school trips and are available to speak to.  

Key Stage 2

The Sunnymede KS2 Governing Body consists of the Headteacher, parent governors, staff governors, Local Authority governors, co-opted  governors and foundation trust governors. They are elected to the Governing Body and work in partnership with the school to help provide your child with high quality education.

The  governing  body  has  three  core  functions  for  the  school: 

•  setting  the  strategic  direction  (ensure that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined)

•  holding  the  headteacher  to  account  for  improving  the  school (ensure that the Head Teacher performs his or her responsibilities for the

   educational performance of the school)

•  ensuring  financial health,  probity  and  value  for  money (ensure the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources)

To do this effectively, the full Governing Body meets formally twice per term to discuss whole school issues. In addition, governors are members of 

committees, such as the Staff  Pay Committee, Headteacher's PMR Committee, Pupil Discipline Committee, Staff Discipline and Dismissal Committee and Staff Discipline Appeals Committee. 

In preparation for meetings, governors are required to read and review a range of school documents, reports and policies, as well as statutory guidance.  


Governors are also required to attend training sessions to help them to develop within their role.

A key element of a governor's role​ is to visit the school in a monitoring capacity and there is an expectation that they visit at least once per term

with a clear focus on monitoring against  the school's current priorities. Visits may focus on particular curriculum subjects or aspects of learning or 

on wider school leadership and management themes e.g. financial management, health and safety, safeguarding, pupil premium provision,  behaviour. staff recruitment,  SEND, pupil and staff wellbeing etc. This allows them to gather evidence to ensure the school is complying with its statutory duties. Visits are also an opportunity for governors to get to know staff and pupils and see how the school's vision and values manifest themselves in the daily life of the school.