PSHE (including RSE)

Subject Lead: Mrs Houghton

We use the following scheme for Personal, Social and Health Education.

 This includes Relationship and Sex education.

PSHE in Action

Year three had a special visitor this week.  Firefighter Nikki came to speak to the year group about fire safety in their homes.  She discussed how to keep safe at home and stop fires spreading.  All the children enjoyed the visit and learnt lots of important skills and knowledge.  One child said 'It was really interesting but the fire alarm was really loud!'

During children's mental health week we had a visit from motivated minds.  They are a charity based in our area who work with young people to help them to develop and improve their mental health and wellbeing.  Our visitors led an assembly to all of key stage two explaining the importance of looking after our mental health.  They then worked with year five and six on ways to improve their wellbeing and understand what anxiety is and how to deal with it.  The pupils and teachers really enjoyed the visit.  One child said, "It was really interesting learning about your brain and how important it is to look after it to keep healthy."

Anti-Bullying Week 2023

We all celebrated Anti-Bullying Week.  Each year group completed work on what bullying is and the importance of telling someone.  We also looked at how we are all important and needed to be heard.  Pupils completed role play, posters and artwork to express the importance of them and them being heard.

Year Six Knife Crime

On Tuesday 23rd January, Year 6 had a talk delivered by Essex Fire and Police Service about Knife Crime Prevention. In this talk, pupils were educated about the laws of carrying a knife, the dangers of carrying a knife and the consequences of carrying a knife. Did you know 7 out of 10 people in A&E with a knife wound have received this from their own knife? We learnt about what Joint Enterprise is and the importance of making sensible decisions based on our morals of right and wrong. Thank you so much to the Essex service for coming in to talk to Year 6 about this.  

In year 5, we practised our first aid skills that we learnt in year 4.  We learnt how to stay calm in an emergency.


To celebrate Safer Internet Day 2023, we enjoyed a range of fun activities to raise awareness of online issues and current concerns.



During our PSHE lessons this term, we have created posters to promote team work.  We all demonstrated how to work best as a team, whilst creating these.

What do you think you need to make a good team?


In PSHE, we found out that by working collaboratively, we could build the tallest towers using newspaper.