Welcome to Year 4

Blue and Sapphire Classes

Year 4 P.E. Information Spring Term:

Swimming continues this term on a Friday morning.

Outdoor P.E.  is on a Thursday until half term.

After half term, it is on a Wednesday.

March - World Book Day 📚

Year 4's potato entries

Egyptian Day - 

On Thursday 29th February, Year 4 had an amazing Egyptian day.  All the children looked wonderful in their costumes.  Throughout the day, we learnt about life in ancient Egypt by taking part in a number of activities: a Hounds and Jackals board game, hunting using javelins (as spears), a quiz and many more.

February - What a busy few day’s year 4 have had during the multicultural week!  We have been learning all about Tanzania (in Africa).  Our week consisted of creating non-chronological reports, baking Vitumbua (Tanzanian-style coconut doughnuts), 

February - During multicultural week, Year 4 used soft pastels to imitate the African Savannah with their own choice of African animal in the foreground.  

February - Baking Vitumbua (Tanzanian-style coconut doughnuts)

January - As part of our PSHE lessons this term, year 4 have had to work out the steps to take to achieve a goal and to do this successfully as part of a group. 


This month year 4 have been learning their Christmas songs and preparing for the production.  (C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S spells Christmas)


In the second half of the Autumn term, year 4 have been studying electricity.  We have build circuits, made our own switches and tested whether materials are conductors or insulators.  Finally, year 4 created their own working torches.

Winter Arts Morning

The whole school took part in a winter arts morning.  In year 4, we created winter backgrounds using water colours and then used charcoal to draw on the foreground.


This month, both classes shared their learning so far, during a celebration assembly.  Both classes performed a song with some effective actions.


In Science, our topic has been states of matter.   We have learnt about solids, liquids and gasses.  We made chocolate crispy cakes by using our knowledge to melt the chocolate at the correct temperature.  They tasted delicious!


As historians, we have been learning about the Anglo Saxons.  In art, we have also studied Anglo Saxon pottery design and then used clay to bring our on ideas to life.

We also planned out our ideas first in our sketch books.

We used craft tools to add our designs.

Welcome to Year 4!

Both Blue and Sapphire class have settled in well and have been demonstrating their independence and resilience.