Welcome to Early Years

Welcome to EYFS

We warmly welcome you to our page for Red and Ruby class. 

We look forward to an exciting year ahead of us full of learning and new experiences with the children. We will update this page regularly with key information, resources and photographs of exciting events for parents and carers to enjoy.

We feel very lucky to be supporting your child in their very first year of school and look forward to watching them grow and flourish. 

Key information for parents:

PE: This half-term will be athletics.  This will take place on a Monday morning.  Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on this day. Long hair should be tied back and earrings removed. 

Library: The children will visit the school library once a week. All children will be able to choose a book from the library to take home and share. Please do ensure this book is kept in your child's bookbag. Red class will visit the library on a Friday and Ruby class on Tuesday. 

Reading books: When your child receives a reading book, please ensure that they read this with you daily as well as signing your child's reading record on a daily basis. 

Homework: Please support your child to work at their own pace with the tasks on Math Seeds and Reading Eggs. Once your child is issued with a Read, Write, Inc book they should read this every day.  

Tapestry: We will be sharing 'wow' moments with you via Tapestry and encourage parents to share those moments with us too! Please ensure that you have returned your child's permission form to school in order for us to allow your child's learning to feature on this platform. 

Our Topic this half-term: Dinosaurs

Autumn 1: Myself/Traditional Tales

Autumn 2: Festivals of light

Spring 1: Winter

Spring 2: People who help us

Summer 1: Dinosaurs

Summer 2: Living things

Summer 1

Learn about dinosaurs with Blippi. 

Dinosaurs all you need to know.

Do the dinosaur dance with Danny Go.

Spring 2

Red Class

Here are some examples of our learning in Spring 2. It has been a busy half term with lots of visitors to engage us in learning about 'People who help us.' The children have enjoyed learning how to use the Beebots, and have how to make ABB, AAB and AABB patterns. 

Click here to watch a PowerPoint with video links to learn about some of the people who help us.  You will need to click the 'Slideshow' tab and then 'From the beginning.'

Do you want to play 'Who am I ?' game. Click this link to play!

Spring 1

Want to learn more about Antarctica? Watch the videos below.

Winter in the North Pole

Animals with winter coats

How do Whales, Penguins and Polar Bears keep warm 

Here are some pictures of the learning that has occurred during the Spring 1 term in Red Class. We have learnt about the North and South Pole, the animals that live there and how it is different to the UK. We have investigated the properties of ice and what makes it melt. We have read topic related stories and rhymes.  In gymnastics we have been learning to balance and jump. We have continued to develop our reading and writing and in maths have learnt about number bonds to 10 and measurement. We are getting better at using the skills needed when using the Chromebooks.

Here are pictures of Spring 1 in Ruby class (to come)

Autumn 2

Autumn 2

In Autumn 2 we learnt about repeating patterns and made our own. We have counted out amounts and matched the correct numeral. We enjoyed learning about Diwali and making Rangoli and Mendhi patterns. Basketball was great fun and enjoyed by all!

Autumn 1

Autumn 1

Here are some pictures to show our learning in Red and Ruby Class. We have been learning lots of new letter sounds and have been practising writing them. We learnt about the zones of regulation and how to manage our different feelings. We have been developing our fine motor control with cutting exercises. We enjoyed traditional tales and had fun making porridge when exploring changes in state. 

Spring 2